Sunday, September 7, 2008

Southern Firsts

Not long ago, I told someone that as my children get older, we experience fewer "firsts" than when they were little. This weekend, we experienced a couple of those rare "firsts" in the lives of our children. While they are not necessarily typical for all American families, they are Southern traditions that our family readily embraces!

Saturday morning, Jakob played in his first real football game! He played the first couple of plays of the game. He actually tackled the guy with the ball! A few days before the game he told his daddy that he didn't want to be the first one to tackle because everyone else piled on top of him. Apparently he has changed his mind about the game and really enjoyed it. Practices are grueling for him, but he NEVER complains and always says he is having fun.

Also on Saturday, Savannah cheered at Jakob's game. She was so cute in her uniform. Savannah has never been shy so cheering in front of a crowd suits her personality. She has so much energy and cheering is a great outlet for her.

The last first is one that makes Jakob's daddy proud! In our front yard, Jakob shot his first dove. Some of you just gasped and others laughed, but Jakob has loved hunting since he was a toddler. He was really destined to love it or suffer doing it. While Jakob was still in the hospital after he was born, Dwain encouraged him to get better so he could go hunting with him. My mom responded by telling Jake that he didn't have to go hunting if he didn't want to. Dwain replied with a low grunt, implying that Jake would go hunting regardless. Jakob shot his first deer when he was 6 and can't wait for season to come in.

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